What is a veneer?
A dental veneer is a facing or covering for a tooth.
It is similar in concept to a veneer for wood. Dental veneers can be used to change color, size, shape and spacing of teeth. Many if not most Hollywood stars have had dental veneers placed. Veneers can be done directly in your mouth or indirectly by making a mold of your teeth and having a dental laboratory fabricate them.
The usual materials for a veneer are porcelain (indirectly only) or composite resin (bonding) either directly or indirectly. Porcelain veneers (often called porcelain laminate veneers) are stronger and will not pick up stain but are more costly and require multiple visits (usually 2). Composite resins generally require more skill from the dentist are generally less costly and often have a shorter life span than porcelain veneers.
A veneer can be placed relatively inexpensively but to achieve a veneer that truly looks beautiful and life-like requires significant skill sets and time commitments from both the dentist and the dental laboratory (if completed indirectly). One should expect a fee for veneers that is reflective of the dentist’s skills and time and the dental laboratory’s skills and time.

At Sherwood Dental Care we are proud to offer both porcelain laminate veneers and composite resin veneers.  If you have any questions feel to call for a consult or ask at your next appointment.
